Friday, 23 May 2008

It's the economy... stupid

Politics is a funny old business. It has probably always been at the mercy of events and the current 'air pocket' type drop in popularity of the New Labour government and Gordon Brown in particular is certainly driven by events, but I think there is more at play here than just events.
There appear to be real parallels with John Major's Conservative government of '95 - '97 that seemed to run out of ideas after so many years of Conservative control coupled with too few cabinet members of genuine quality and vision. Brown's cabinet is equally weak in strong ideas people with genuine resolve... however the all pervasive eye of the media, and the perceived 'image' requirements the spin guys believe is required to front up to the media are a far heavier and concerning factor.
The influence of the fourth estate and equally the fact that media ownership is now concentrated in too few hands is to my mind the biggest danger.
The media dictate what the key issues are and politicians no longer control the agenda. The importance of what receives coverage and where in the story list issues fall (I was in media for over 15 years and have really seen how this has changed).
This week has seen the attractiveness of the sound bite dominate the story list with image stories - the merits of Gordon's appearance and demeanor and redecorating his kitchen and bathroom assuming higher prominence than the economy, abortion and parenting.
The by-election result last night was a predictable protest vote given the current global economic events and people's need for a pressure valve to let off steam about the higher costs of living driven by these events... The reaction in the press from left to right has been a like a feeding frenzy as they push to influence the removal of the prime minister. My political leanings are not towards the beliefs of Gordon Brown... I would however like the opportunity to vote against him in a general election and not have the politics of the country managed by a clique of media owners.

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